Spanish months of the year display to use as a visual aid in the classroom. It can also be used as revision flashcards.
Pósteres de los meses del año en español para usar como apoyo visual en clase. También se pueden usar como tarjetas para repasar.
A poster with 9 strategies in Spanish to cope with stress in work or in school/uni.
Un póster con 9 estrategias para sobrellevar el estrés en el trabajo o en los estudios.
A set of 3 different Spanish cards for Mothers day. Each model has a separate sheet with shapes (stars, hearts and flowers) to be filled with words/messages in the target language. These shapes can be then stuck on the card. A nice way to say to mum in Spanish how much they mean to them! :)
Un pack de 3 tarjetas diferentes para felicitar el Día de la madre. Cada modelo tiene una hoja con formas (estrellas, corazones y flores) que se pueden rellenar con mensajes/palabras. Esas formas se pueden pegar en la tarjeta. Una forma muy bonita de decirle a mamá lo mucho que signifcan para ellos :).
Acción de gracias themed Spanish bookmarks. The perfect opportunity for both teachers and pupils to show appreciation to each other. Also, great to promote reading whilst discussing the topic of Identity and culture at GCSE or festivals at a wider scale.
A worksheet on the topic of the Qatar Football World Cup based on an article by David Villén from ‘20 minutos’. It features Spanish streamer Ibai Llanos, who is against covering the event in situ. The range of tasks includes finding out more about why he did not accept the offer to go to Qatar through working with synonyms, reading comprehension questions and translation. Answers included.
Una ficha para trabajar el tema del mundial de Qatar y basada en el artículo de David Villén para “20 Minutos”. Se trata de las declaraciones del streamer español Ibai Llanos, quien se opone a visitar el evento. El abanico de actividades ayudará a los estudiantes a descubrir el porqué de su reticencia a través de tareas que explotan sinónimos, preguntas de compresión lectora y traducción. Viene con respuestas.
Practiquem el vocabulari dels animals mentre ens divertim! Aquest joc inclou 36 cartes amb 18 animals diferents. A cada carta hi ha una imatge d’un animal i el seu nom … Però, aneu amb compte! Algunes no porten la paraula correcta! Els estudiants han d’agafar una carta i anomenar l’animal que veuen abans de posar-la al munt del centre. Si la targeta té la paraula incorrecta i algú la llegeix sense corregir-la, aquesta persona ha d’agafar totes les cartes de la pila. El guanyador és qui que es queda sense cartes abans. Perfecte per treballar el vocabulari dels animals i la pronunciació a classe, però també per jugar a casa amb la família!
Let’s practise Catalan vocabulary on colours in a fun way! This card game includes 9 items of vocabulary and consists of 18 cards that include an image containing the colour and its name below. But careful! Some are labelled wrong! Students must grab one card and name the colour they see before putting it down on a pile in the centre. If the colour is labelled wrong and they read it without correcting it, they will have to get all cards from the pile. The winner is the person who runs out of cards. Perfect to review colours vocabulary and key sounds pronunciation in class, but also to play at home as a family!
Practiquem el vocabulari dels colors mentre ens divertim! Aquest joc inclou 18 cartes amb colors diferents. A cada carta hi ha una imatge d’un color i el seu nom … Però, aneu amb compte! Algunes no porten la paraula correcta! Els estudiants han d’agafar una carta i anomenar el color que veuen abans de posar-la al munt del centre. Si la targeta té la paraula incorrecta i algú la llegeix sense corregir-la, aquesta persona ha d’agafar totes les cartes de la pila. El guanyador és qui que es queda sense cartes abans. Perfecte per treballar els colors i la pronunciació a classe, però també per jugar a casa amb la família!
A bundle of 8 different certificates/awards to recognise your students’ achievements in Catalan: good work, effort, hard work, team work, initiative, originality and extra work in the subject.
Un pack de 8 diplomes diferents en català per reconèixer els èxits dels teus alumnes: bona feina, esforç, treball en equip, iniciativa, originalitat i treball extra.
An updated booklet designed to keep learning Spanish with the Euros 2024.
It includes a range of activities which cover different skills (reading and understanding, translation, etc.).
Vocabulary banks and opportunities for differentiation are included, making it suitable for both KS3 and KS4 students.
The activities in this booklet include:
Reading comprehension and colouring activity about the partakers’ flags.
Multiple choice reading comprehension with key information about the competition.
Reading tasks about the hosting cities. Students will review places in town, opinions, past, present and future tenses.
Reading comprehension on some of the best known players’ personal information.
Scaffolded vocabulary task to develop literacy skills (focus on types of words).
Parallel Spanish/English translations (past and present).
Writing task with a writing frame to talk about football/sport preferences.
Times and dates of matches, numbers tasks.
Model paragraph on the Spanish kit + writing task where students have to design their own football kit.
It includes answers for self correction too! Let us know how it goes :)
This is a worksheet to introduce and practise the festival of San Juan, suitable for both KS3 and KS4 . It includes engaging activities on** vocabulary, GCSE style reading** and translations about the **cultural aspects of the festival. Solutions are also provided **following the format of the worksheet itself so that pupils can mark their own tasks, which makes it perfect for cover work.
¡Feliz San Juan! :)
Una ficha para enseñar la fiesta de San Juan. El material incluye actividades de vocabulario, traducción y lectura sobre esta tradición. Las soluciones aparecen en una segunda página por lo que el alumno puede autocorregir su propio trabajo tanto en casa como en el centro educativo.
The perfect gift for your Spanish students. Four different personalised templates to wish your students a Merry Christmas and congratulate them on their work in Spanish lessons. Suitable for all levels!
Let’s celebrate England’s football in our Spanish lessons! This i s a worksheet to work on physical descriptions and personal information through **reading and translation tasks about the English National football team. It also includes an activity on vocabulary about football in Spanish. Answers are provided so that students can mark their own work. Suitable for KS3 **and low ability KS4.
Visual essay writing checklist. The perfect tool for students to self-assess their work and ensure that they meet all key criteria to succeed when producing extended pieces of writing for their Spanish A Level. It can be used as a poster to be displayed in the classroom or used as a knowledge organiser, and also as a worksheet to keep in their folders for reference. Perfect to combine with our Spanish A Level writing knowledge organiser as well as our A Level Spanish essay writing: guidelines. Links below:
Una checklist visual para escribir ensayos. La herramienta perfecta para asegurarte de que tus estudiantes evalúan su trabajo escrito y se aseguran de cumplir todos los requisitos que se esperan de sus ensayos en español para A Level o un nivel intermedio/ avanzado. Lo puedes usar como un póster para mostrar en tu aula o como organizador de ideas, así como a modo de ficha para que la guarden en sus carpetas y usen cada vez que escriben un ensayo. Puedes combinarlo con nuestro Organizador de ideas y nuestras Pautas para escribir ensayos en español. Los puedes encontrar aquí:
18 cards with 36 different topics on the theme of holidays to get your students talking. It includes a powerpoint persentation to practise as a whole class.
¡Los deberes pueden ser un rollo en verano !
Here is an enjoyable and colourful homework for your students: a checklist of nice and summery activities in SPANISH to do in their free time! They can colour in the activities once they do them whilst revising some vocabulary on the topic of 'Holidays. Suitable for KS3 but also as a revision tool for some KS4 classes.
Our own version of the well known emoji exit ticket, adapted to our mfl lessons, ¡guaranteed success amongst your students!
#mfl #spanish #emoji #emojis #exitticket #plenary #pleno #resourcesmfl
A worksheet based around Unit 1 ‘¿Qué te gusta hacer?’ from Viva 1’s Module 2 ‘Mi tiempo libre’. A worksheet designed to teach or reinforce the vocabulary on free time activities and grammar when giving opinions about them. With this resource students will practise reading, translation and writing. There are extensions for more able students or early finishers. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home.
Una ficha diseñada para enseñar o reforzar el vocabulario sobre las actividades de tiempo libre y la gramática para dar opiniones sobre ellas. Con este recurso los estudiantes practicarán la lectura, la traducción y la escritura. Hay extensiones para los alumnos que terminen antes o que quieran practicar más. Las soluciones están incluidas, lo que hace que este material sea perfecto para el autoaprendizaje, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
A worksheet based on Viva GCSE’s Punto de Partida 2 from module 3 ‘Mi gente’. Students will learn/review vocabulary to describe people’s personality in Spanish. They will also learn/review adjectival agreement. Students will develop their grammatical and lexical understanding through reading and translation. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school.
Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario para que tus alumnos puedan describir su personalidad y la de otras personas. Con este recurso también aprenderán a utilizar la concordancia adjetival. Los estudiantes pondrán en práctica sus competencias gramatical y léxica a travéz de la lectura y la traducción. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.